Audio Books

The Rewriting of America's History AUDIOBOOK

Chapter I: Where Have We Come From?
Christopher Columbus; Jamestown, Virginia; William Bradford and the 1620 Pilgrims; William Penn; George Washington; John Adams; Thomas Jefferson; James Madison; Benjamin Franklin; Patrick Henry; George Mason; Noah Webster.

Chapter II: 19th Century Heroes Who Built Upon the Foundations:
Abraham Lincoln; Robert E. Lee; Stonewall Jackson; William Holmes McGuffey; and Marcus Whitman. 5 hours, 24 minutes (Running time). MP3.

"Homeschoolers and Christian schools should find this book a valuable resource as a complementary textbook on American history." - Christian Library Journal review.

Cost: $24.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A book cover with an image of the capitol building.

A Children's Companion Guide to America's History AUDIOBOOK

This Book Includes

  • 31 lessons covering the founding period of America.
  • Text from the original writings, documents and quotations of the founding fathers.
  • Study questions, assignments and Bible memorization verses related to our nation's Christian history.

In This Book, Children Will Learn:

  • The great Christian landmarks of America's history.
  • The biblical principles upon which our nation was founded.
  • The true meaning of the First Amendment Clause: separation of Church and (from interference by) the State.

2 hours, 30 minutes (Running time). MP3.

Cost: $16.00 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A children 's companion guide to america 's history

Great American Statesmen and Heroes  AUDIOBOOK

This Book Includes

  • 22 great American statesmen and heroes.
  • Text from the original writings, documents and quotations of the founding fathers.
  • Numerous States' most significant heroes.

In This Book, You Will Learn:

  • The great Christian landmarks of America's history: the Discovery, Colonial, Revolutionary War, and Developmental periods.
  • The Christian character traits, virtues, values, morals and principles upon which the nation was founded.
  • 4 hours, 34 minutes (Running time). MP3.

Cost: $16.00 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A book cover with an image of the capitol building.

The Christian Heritage of Our Nation (History Book) - "National Landmarks" AUDIOBOOK

This Book Includes

  • Pupils' Guides; Tests
  • 10 Lessons
  • Text from original writings, documents, and addresses of the founding fathers
  • Numerous states' most significant heroes
  • U.S. Presidents' Inaugural Scriptures and their family Bibles
  • Christopher Columbus' Christianity
  • George Washington's handwritten prayers: his letters to the churches
  • The Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights
  • George Mason's Virginia Declaration of Rights
  • The Ten Commandments - predominantly engraved in numerous national landmarks

In This Book, You Will Learn:

  • Great Christian landmarks in America's history
  • The Christian character traits, virtues, values, and morals upon which our nation was founded
  • The Biblical principles undergirding our unique Republic under God
  • 6 hours (Running time). MP3.

Cost: $24.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A book cover with an image of people sitting around.

The Christian Heritage of Our Nation (History Book) - "National Memorials" AUDIOBOOK

This Book Includes

  • Pupils' Guides; Tests
  • 10 Lessons
  • Text from original writings, documents, and addresses of the founding fathers
  • Numerous states' most significant heroes
  • Thomas Jefferson's anti-slavery Addresses
  • Separation of the church (from interference by) the State
  • Martin Luther's 95 Theses
  • Abraham Lincoln's "The Believer's Daily Treasure" devotional
  • Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address: The Eradication of Slavery
  • George Washington's Prayer for America: His Farewell Address
  • Washington's "110 Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour"
  • Godly inscriptions on Memorial stones in the Washington Monument
  • Robert E. Lee's Proclamation of a Day of Prayer, Fasting and Humiliation

In This Book, You Will Learn:

  • Great Christian Memorials of America's history
  • The Christian character traits, virtues, values, and morals upon which our nation was founded
  • The Biblical principles undergirding our unique Republic under God
  • 6 hours, 10 minutes (Running time). MP3.

Cost: $24.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
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A book cover with the words " the united states of our nation " on it.

The Christian Heritage of Our Nation (History Book) - "U.S. Presidents and Their Churches" AUDIOBOOK

This Book Includes

  • Pupils' Guides; Tests
  • 4 Lessons
  • Text from original prime source documents
  • Evidence of U.S. Presidents' Christianity in their churches
  • "The Presidents' Pew" with its Christian heritage
  • Teaching Critical Analysis and Reflective Thinking: An Exposure to Revisionist U.S. History Books
  • Abraham Lincoln's original family pew, and its significance
  • "The Chapel of the Presidents"
  • President Eisenhower's prayer for our nation
  • Thomas Jefferson's First Draft of the Declaration of Independence (with its Anti-Slavery Clause)
  • Abraham Lincoln's handwritten Gettysburg Address
  • George Washington's Last Will and Testament

In This Book, You Will Learn:

  • The words and deeds of great Christian presidents
  • The Christian character traits, virtues, values, and morals upon which our nation was founded
  • The Biblical principles undergirding our unique Republic under God
  • 5 hours, 25 minutes (Running time). MP3.

Cost: $24.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
Click here for the order form!

A book cover with an image of jesus in front of stained glass.